Sunday 28 September 2014

Good & Bad examples of graphic design

Good example

A good example of a piece of graphic design is the movie poster for the feature film, the Dark Knight. The reasons why I thought this was a good example of graphic design was because of the overall layout and it's simplicity, that is what drew my attention. This poster alone already tells us who's going to be in this film, the two most significant characters are already presented to us. The simplicity of the poster just shows how successful Batman has been throughout the decades and how iconic the Batman symbol is. As soon as you set your eyes upon this poster you know the film's about Batman, simplicity is key within this poster. This poster is for people that are fans of the Batman franchise, they would quickly identify what's going to happen in this film, who's in it and what kind of battle it's going to be for Batman. The purpose of this poster is to encourage people that are fans of Batman to go and see this film, to actually pay for a ticket and view it in cinema. On the graphic triangle, I think this poster should go right in the middle. I think it should go in the middle because the poster clearly identifies itself as a film about Batman and the Joker, this is shown by the painted face of the Joker on the wall whilst the Batman symbol being used as the mouth. This film would easily persuade someone who's into Batman to go and see the film just by seeing the Jokers face and the Batman symbol. This poster explains what's going to happen in the film by the Jokers face. I haven't actually seen this film, however, I can tell that the Joker is going to create a problem in Gotham City and Batman will try and resolve it..

The Dark Knight Poster

Bad example

A bad example of a piece of graphic design is this information leaflet about climate change. At first glance of this leaflet, your eyes are not directly lead somewhere to look at something specific. All successful leaflets lead your eyes to look at somewhere important, this leaflet leaves your eyes scrambling for a piece of eye catching design! On this leaflet, there are too many clashes of colour which is the last thing you want on a information leaflet! The clashes of colour occur on the main body of text, this leaves your eyes struggling to focus on the information. It might look like a mistake but the text ' Rising Tide ' and ' Come on in, the revolutions lovely ' are meant to be upside down. This is how I found this leaflet, I don't know the reason behind this choice but I think it's a poor choice because the most important element of this leaflet is the title and strap line. On the front of the leaflet, it doesn't actually explain what this leaflet is explaining and what it's purpose is. The leaflet doesn't have a fixed colour scheme, they have just put a picture as a background and hoping for the best as to what goes onto it. They should've planned out the layout of the leaflet a lot more so they can know in advance whether something will clash or not. On the graphic triangle, I would put this towards the corner of persuasion and explanation as it's trying to explain the effects of climate change and to encourage you to save energy in your homes.